Steel Processing backed by
Solar Energy

The only way to get closer to a brighter future is through sustainability. We opt for solutions that are safe, eco-conscious and have the power to spread smiles while also working tirelessly towards the betterment of our environment and ecosystem.

We provide sustainably made steel products. We believe that by supporting sustainable manufacturing, we are contributing to the global cause of sustainability.

Tree Plantation Project

For us, tree plantation initiatives are our core contribution to the environment. With an aim to raise awareness regarding the environment among our employees and others, we have planted trees and nurtured plants of all sizes over the years.

We carry out structured plantation programmes to fight the pollution and add to the natural wealth of the nation. Through these initiatives we not only plant saplings, but also ensure to nurture every plant to flourish into a tree.

Food Distribution Initiative

We strongly believe that no one should be denied food and that food unavailability is one of the major problems faced by our people. We understand that building a healthy tomorrow is possible only when the basic needs of our people are met.

We undertook the initiative to promote health and fight hunger by distributing food items to those in need. It’s the initiatives like these that help us support and empower the families that cannot afford proper food.